Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mon, Tues, Wed...and other things I've remembered


On monday morning we spent time with the whole staff team at IN and Liz G brought devotions and then spent a bit of time praying. Then we had a lot of spare time which we just spent sitting round trying to keep cool, had lunch with the staff, then in the afternoon went shopping at a gigantic mall. Played cards after tea and went to bed.


Got up at 4am for our flight. Spent the morning flying and the afternoon at Sentosa Island where we just wandered around, went on a few rides etc, had tea, watched the light show, laughed a LOT reminiscing about all our funny moments, and then headed back to the hotel for bed!


Met together for debrief time and then went shopping. Now we are in gate A9 in Singapore airport waiting to fly out!! See you tomorrow lunch time, Dunedin!!!
We have seen Liz B off as she flies to Melbourne.


Forgot to mention that we saw the world's biggest pair of shoes in Manila - big enough to fit the statue of liberty) and that all the beds in Asia are too short for me....looking forward to sleeping without my feet hanging off the end of the bed lol :)

Overall we have all had an absolutely fantastic time, laughed a lot, cried a bit, learnt stuff, stretched ourselves, got to know each other, and come away with lots of photos and memories. It has been an amazing privilege and we'll look forward to sharing all our stories with you!!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon hopefully :)
Lots of love,
Liz, Merridee, Janette, Liz, Kirsten, and Rebecca :) xx

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