Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Sept 12

The plan for today was that Liz B, Merridee and I would be at the meeting in Tawangmangu, then have lunch with Sam and Carol, and then head down to Gardingan to join the others at 1. But as you know if you have been here, plans can change at the drop of a hat, and ours have certainly changed a few times!!!

Our morning meeting went well, Merridee did her testimony and I spoke - the same message I did last night in Gardingan but stepped up a bit for the bible college students (as opposed to the teenagers in Fera's church) - plus I had a MUCH better translator so it didn't need to be quite so simple :)

Lunch was amazing, as per usual, but we had to eat without Sam, as he had gone to a town near solo to preach this morning, and left at 11am but what should have been a 40 minute trip ended up taking him 4 hours, the traffic is CRAZY because it is the last day of their public holiday. On top of that our driver went to visit family in another village and a different driver turned up, who spoke no English, and had no idea where Fera lived. Hmm. So things were a wee bit interesting there!! so in the end we decided we'd be silly to try to go, so we have ended up stuck at Tawangmangu for the afternoon with nothing to do...the students are out for the afternoon so we are sitting around the table drinking coffee and eating crackers and avocado and wondering what the real missionaries are doing!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently they had a 5.30am prayer meeting and then a 9am kids programme to do. Then the afternoon looked to be free until their 7pm meeting tonight, but not sure what will happen now...they may have to leave early if it's going to take more than 4 hours to get home!!!! It will be very interesting to see how their day has been. Not sure what we will do tonight...I don't know if they have an evening meeting here or not.

So that's pretty much covered everything up to now I think!!! I'm sure I've forgotten stuff, but never mind, might think of it later. And I'll try to get one of the others to write on here about their experience in Gardingan last night and today.

Hope all's well back home!!!
See ya,
Kirsten :)


  1. wowzers! so vic and i saw the photos that herlin posted of you in church my personal favourite is the one of you and merridee trying to do something together and lizzy baker cracking up hard out, tell her i miss her laugh! and oober proud of all of you preaching and sharing the word, even eating crackers & avocado - all part of the job i say. oh have you had ubi's they are kumara chips ask shella and herlin about them ohhh they are my favourite mmmm. Please say a massive hello to those who remember me. cracked up about your hair hee hee, looks like you got a whole heap more volume going on there. Vic & i were commenting on it and how hers is going to go CRAZY lol, hair ties Vic, lots of them and the strong kind lol. Big love to Becs, and all the mamas. You are all prayed for much on this side of the globe. Keep having the maddest time & ronji said they prayed for you at Friday packdown and said to say wsup & remember what he told you on the phone. Family in Aucks all send their love to you & are praying for you all! Catch you later! me!

  2. Heya!! Just found out you had this bog from Bena, so great to catch up on all the news. Have been following Meridee's blog too. Sounds like you are having a fantastic time over there. We are all thinking and praying for you back home. It's so exciting hearing all your adventures and what God's been doing in your hearts. Please pass on my best to the team and let them know they are not forgotten! We miss you all. Looking forward to the next update. God bless!! Andrew

  3. heard you in singapore again, hope you all travelled well & safe. Heard about Lizzie Baker not being to well, praying and believing! Lol must be awesome having such royalty as your team leader, ps fera is a crack up. Have a great time in Philippines and big hello to all the ah-may-zing IN family there. Take great care of each other & keep being the blessings that you all are. Live large and in His charge Kiks!

  4. Cool to hear all the news and awesome to gchat the other day.

    I agree with Bena ... live large and in His charge - good saying, Bena!!!

    Love you heaps, Mum xoxox

  5. sup Kiks!
    Just so you know i'm thinking about you when i pray, but doubt you'd believe me so i'm commenting again. and thanks madame cheyne, i like coming up with sayings hee hee. So i take it you're now in Marikina City. Day is sunny as in dunners but not as hot as where you at i guess. Got lifegroup leaders tonight so i guess i'll put in everyones apologies, guess you can all be excused as you all are 'serving the Lord' yep said in the same way we would say it. Just so you feel like you still in the loop with the normal things that go on here. We have new neighbours, i was given a whole heap of baking from jesminda so am going to go take some over and pass it off as my own lol, and say hey, i've meet some of the kids. Jules is giving her vampire presentation in the union in 30 mins so i'm off to that. Uncle Then just led a guy to the Lord!!!! Well keep bringing Life to that end of the globe, mucho love! me
